
8:00 pm

We started from our home to the airport for our flight at 9:25. But while we were on our way to the airport, our flight was delayed for an hour. So we had to wait there at the airport for an hour. To send us off, my grandfather came and few minutes  later, our neighbor Vinod Anna came. We had some tender coconut in a shop near the gate. We boarded the flight by 10:25pm.


We landed at the Chennai airport and we went to collect our luggages. Our dad picked us up and we had some idlies in the car. Then we took a nap for an hour.


We reached the international terminal for the check-in. We boardwd the flight to Dubai by 3:40am.


We had a 7 hour flight from Dubai to London. We were flying in the altitude of about 40,000 ft. We have finally touched the ground and we are going to collect our baggage after passing through the immigration.


Karthik uncle picked us up from the airport. We headed back to home and refreshed with 10 minutes and we had biriyani for lunch. Then we headed to Brighton beach which is a pebble beach.


We parked the car at the side of the road and we walked down the stairs to the beach. At first we played in the beach got some time. Then me, my dad and Karthik uncle went to a big zip line we saw at the beach. We convinced the others to also join with us. But they refused. So we all went to the place where they conducted it. We wore our harness which kinda freaked me out.


We went on top of a place through some spirally stairs which made us tired at the beginning itself. We enjoyed the ride and had some doughnuts, ice creams and some slushes later. Then we had some naan and some other stuff In an Indian restaurant which took a decade to bring our food. Then we returned back home and slept. 



I woke up late today. I got ready and had 

my breakfast. Then we headed to the east Croydon railway station for the day. We got our day passes so we get to travel free throughout the whole day. 

9:00 am

We took the train to Victoria and went to west minister, the central place of London.   We went on a speed boat which amused me a lot. Then we got into the famous London eye, which went pretty high up, high up we can see angels. Maybe not, but a beautiful view of London. Then we went to a 4d movie which was good. Then we had lunch in a restaurant near. Then I had a black ice cream which was awesome.


We went to Madame Tussaud’s which is basically a wax museum. We saw statues made out of wax of celebrities and famous people. We took a lot of pictures with them.


We returned back to the station and Karthik uncle picked us up from there. We headed back home and we had McDonald’s for dinner. 


As McDonald’s is famous for their burgers I wanted to try beef for the first time. So I bought a Big Mac and came back home. To be honest I was nervous while eating it but I turned out pretty well. It was not as bad as I expected. Then I went to sleep.



I woke up pretty early today for no reason. I went to bath and ate my breakfast by 9:30 because we had a very big and long day planned ahead of us. We took the train to London bridge, which is one of the famous places here. We took a lot of photos over there. Then we went down to the Tower of London, the place where the rulers lived. I learnt something useful over there about UK history. 


we went to a nearby restaurant to eat lunch. It seemed like a good place but the food took a long time to come. Then we went to the science museum nearby.


The museum was actually not that interesting except some parts. Then I felt very tired so I thought to go back home. But my parents wanted to go to Buckingham palace so I decided to go. 


We took some nice photos over there and had a good experience. We returned back home from there. We took a Uber from the station. The driver was a very nice guy. 


I had my dinner and started packing for our trip to Paris tomorrow. I was very excited.  So then I went to sleep by 9:00pm.



I woke up early today because we have our train to Paris at 12:00pm today. I was very excited. So I had my breakfast and left to the east Croydon station. Travelling from one country to another in a train was very interesting for me. So we finally boarded the train. Then we came to st. Pancras international station to get into the train to Paris. We went to Starbucks, had put coffee and came to the place where the check in happens. We came through the security check and the immigration and waited in the waiting room for an hour. While waiting, we had some coffee.

12:00 noon

We boarded the train. The standard class was good enough. We had difficulties carrying the heavy luggage so we kept the heavy ones in coach 3. We kept the others in coach 4, the coach we were. It was the first time for me to travel in a train to another country. We sat down and enjoyed the view for a while. Then I took a short nap to get some energy. When I woke up we reached France.


We almost reached Paris so we grabbed some snacks from the pantry, we took our luggages, and we crossed through immigration and we came outside. There we saw my mom’s student Raagav, who was guiding us throughout the day. As it was not safe in Paris and people would steal our things we went to an Indian restaurant and had our lunch. Then we decided to take the metro to our hotel but then we decided it was to safe and to take a taxi. But the taxis standing outside wouldn’t take us to the place. So we booked an Uber and were on our way. While we were on our way, our driver and an bus driver got into a fight, which I ignored. Then we got to our hotel, checked in and went to our room. We were hiding the white shirt we bought for our dad to wear it when we went to Eiffel Tower to match us three. We showed him the shirt and he was clueless. We even gave Raagav Anna my white t shirt to match. 


We started from our room, we went to the station like 59 meters away from our hotel, we took the metro to a station, from there we took the metro to Iéna m, and from there it’s a 10 minutes walk to Eiffel Tower. 


We got close to the Eiffel Tower. When I saw it I thought it was very small compared to what I saw on images and what I imagined. Then we took some photos of us in Eiffel Tower. We saw a lot of Africans selling things like fridge magnets, models and keychains of Eiffel Tower. We went to the backside of the Eiffel Tower and took some photos. It was a very beautiful view from there. 


We went to the place where the lifts were to go to the top of Eiffel Tower. We took the east gate and went to the second floor. From there I could see the whole Paris. Then we went to the place where there were lifts to take us to the top but we only had tickets to go to the second floor. 


We went to the first floor to have some dinner, but they were closing it, so we took some food and had it. Then we went downstairs, that is when they started the light show. It was amazing. Then we went to a shop nearby to eat dinner and we had pizza. Then we came back home through the same metro by 12:00 and went to sleep.



We woke up late today because we didn’t have anything to do in the morning. We had breakfast and came back to the room. Me, my dad and my sister played a game called hangman. Then we slept off. We did t even know when we slept. 


I woke up and had lunch. Then we started to clean the room a little bit, and we started to do our own jobs. 


As Raagav Anna was on the way, I got ready and was waiting for him. As soon as he came, we went to a cruze ride in a river. 


The ride started and a lady told us about all the buildings and lot of interesting things. We saw notre dame which was under construction due to the fire accident, then we saw Eiffel Tower and a lot of other things. 


The ride got over, and we headed straight to a French cuisine which I wanted to try for a long time. I had a very good dinner there and we came back to gate d’lest where our hotel is. And I slept by 1:00am.



I woke up and got ready as soon as possible. We had to catch the train to Zurich at 12:23 to be exact. We had our breakfast and rushed to the train station as we were running late. The taxi we went was a very good one because he provided us with candies and water.


We came inside the station and we were searching for the platform we had to go. While we did that, I wanted some Starbucks so I bought one. The worst decision I ever made was to buy a cold brew. I never knew how I tasted so I was curious. But that tasted very bitter. It was like a coffee with no sugar. What my sister and I did was we took a bunch of sugar packets and were mixing with it. At a stage it tasted better so we drank it. After reaching the train we weren’t able to drink it so we threw it in the garbage.


It is a 5 hour train so we were looking at the scenery for some time. The scenery was very beautiful. We reached Zürich by 4:45pm.


we came to our hotel and we went to a nearby Indian restaurant named Delhi house and we had our dinner there. 


Me and my dad had different rooms and my sister and my mom had different rooms. So my dad and I were unpacking and we ordered some pizzas. That was the first time in 3 months that I had pizza. I finished eating it and went to sleep.



I woke up and got ready soon because we had to catch a tram at 10:00am. We had breakfast downstairs and rushed to the train station. We had to register our Swiss pass. So we went to the main station at Zurich. Then we came to rhine falls through a train and the falls was very nice to see. We took 2 elevators to go down there and went to the boating area there. 


We took the tickets for the 15 minutes ride near the water falls. We had our ride at 12:00 so we had some food in the canteen there and went to the boat. There was 2 boats of the same time so we got confused. We went to the boat with less crowd but that seemed like it was a special boat for other people. So we got down and boarded the other boat. 

12:00 noon

The ride was awesome. Although we didn’t get that wet, we enjoyed it. Then we took the train back to another place where the cruise was. But first we took the wrong train. So we got down and took the other train to the cruise. When we went there we didn’t get down at the right stop, we got down a stop before that. Then we came all the way up to the station and finally reached the place where the cruise was.


We got on to the cruise and the scenery was awesome. There was a group of people near us who were celebrating a person’s wedding. They were enjoying it. The person who was serving us was Sri Lankan.


We reached the port of Zurich. We took tram 3 to go to the main station. But then we decided to go to our hotel by tram itself. So we took tram 12 and by mistake we got down a stop before itself of the original stop. So we walked for 10 minutes and we reached the Indian restaurant Delhi house where we ate yesterday. 


We walked for 15 minutes and we reached the hotel. We decided to leave my mom in the room and we all ate at the Italian restaurant downstairs. But before we decided to go to the swimming pool but people under 16 weren’t allowed to go. So we went to eat and we came back to the room. We slept by 11:00pm.



I woke up and got ready to go to interlaken. We had our breakfast and we decided when to go. We packed our things fast and we rushed to the station. 


We went to the station and we took the train to bern. We arrived at bern and the train to interlaken was next to us. So we got onto the train and we kept our bags. We reached interlaken and went to our rooms.


When I came to the hotel we were staying I had a big surprise waiting for me. The hotel was very close to the lake. So we got ready and went to a nearby place where they take u to a restaurant at the top of a mountain. We took bus number 21 and went there.


We arrived there and we took the cog wheel to the top. We were sitting in the front so it felt like we were falling.  When we reached at the top it started raining. Then we took some photos and drank some juices and came back down.


We ate our dinner and we slept off early because we had to get up early next morning so I went to sleep by 9:00pm.



We woke up early today because we had to catch the train to jungfrau by 8:05am. So I took a bath, ate my breakfast quickly and took bus number 21 to interlaken east. 


We broaded the train and went to lauterbrunnen and from there we had to Take the train to Kleine where the beautiful sceneries are. On the train we got some friends who also came there for skiing. They told us all the things about the place. But when we changed to the other train which goes from kleine to jungfrau we couldn’t ya the Swiss pass so we had to buy tickets. 


As we went up the scenery became better and better. We finally reached jungfrau but when we came there, a lot of people were there with us. So we went to the canteen and bought some snacks. All I could see in that place is Asian people. There was also another family from Chennai so we were exploring the place with them. Then we went to the Swiss chocolate heaven. We unfortunately didn’t get any chocolates to taste but we bought a lot of chocolates. Then we didn’t know how to carry them.


We went to the part where the snow is and on the way we found some lockers so we kept everything there. We went there and played in the snow for sometime. Then we got some slides for 10 CHF each and slides down the slope. It was very scary and amusing at the same time. Then we bought 2 sunglasses for ourselves there and came out. 


We went to a Indian restaurant called Bollywood which is located there. We ate there and waited in a long queue back to the train. But we managed to get seats in he first train itself. We came back down by 2:00pm.


We reached the hotel and my dad went out for window shopping. While coming back to the hotel, we booked for a para gliding session tomorrow morning. 


We put songs and we were dancing for the songs. We had a great time laughing at my dad dancing. Then we had our dinner and went to sleep.



I woke up early today and got ready because I had to go to the para gliding session. It was my first time so I was exited. Me and my dad got ready and had our breakfast. We had a bus at 8:44 so we had to rush. 


We got there by 8:55 but actually we should be there by 9:30am. So we waited. While waiting, there were 2-3 vehicles from other para gliding companies. We had a girl who booked it in the same time and the same company as mine. 


Our van came and there were already so many people in that. So I got in it and went to a mountain nearby. We got to choose our pilots and I got a person called Martin. There was this one lady who entertained us. 


We went to a place in the mountains and it was cold. So I got ready, saw my pilot and spoke with him for sometime. Then when it was my chance i had to run so fast against the wind and we managed to go airborne. We took some photos and it was very cold. The city was very beautiful from the top. I landed on the city centre where their landing field was. My dad took videos of me. The landing didn’t go as well as expected. I spoiled it a bit. But I had a good time. Then my dad spoke the the pilot and we got the photos and videos from him for 40 euros.


We got some hot chocolate and got on the bus to our hotel. We packed and left the hotel. We went to the station to go to luzern. On the way, the view was awesome. 


We got to our hotel from the station and went to our rooms. We planned to go to a cruise but I was tired so my mom and my dad went to the close by supermarket and bought some fruits for my mom. Then me and my dad went to Burger King for dinner.


We ate our dinner and went to sleep because we had to get up early tomorrow.



I woke up and had to get ready as soon as possible because we had to leave to titlis. As it will be crowded we started earlier. We got ready and came downstairs to the reception to ask them to book a taxi. But as there was a major accident the taxi got delayed. So we ate our breakfast. The hotel was filled with the Indian groups. Then we got into the taxi, asked the driver about the accident and he said that it was over but people going in the highway had to go slow. So we reached the train station by 9:00am. On the way, I slept because I was so tired.


We had boarded our train and we decided to go to Venice tomorrow. So we reached Engelberg, which is where the cable car was. We went there and got in a bus to the cable car. We went there, waited In the queue and got our tickets. 


We got our tickets and we have boarded the cable car. It was my first experience. But the only thing I hated was the Indian group which followed us till titlis. I tried to ignore that. Then we reached this place called strand and we got down to change to another kind of cable car which spins. We also waited there in a long queue which was filled with 85% of Indians, 14% of Asians and 1% of others. We got into that also and we reached he top. 


When we reached there we were hungry so we thought of eating but we accidentally went to the cliff walk and ice flyer floor so we went there first. We went to the cliff walk. We couldn’t see anything. There was also another group from Chennai. We finished it and went to the ice flyer. We got the tickets and got on it. While going our seats were open so all the ice were on us. My pants got wet by the ice and I was freezing. My shoe was also drenched in cold water.


At a stage we had to get down and wait in another queue for going back. So we waited and came back. While coming back, we closed our cabin so it was not that cold. My hands, thighs and my feet was burning a lot so we went to the restaurant there. We bought some food and sat down. Slowly the pain started to reduce. Then we came back down because we had to go to another place so we came down. We got on the bus to the station. When we got onto the train, we sat in the first class. And the Indian group were also in the same train. And somehow some of the group got into first class. Until they came first class was very quiet and peaceful. But once the Indian group came, the first class became like Indian trains – noisy and chaotic. People were running and screaming inside. My sister and I weren’t able to bear it. I was not that irritated but my sister was. So she was hoping no one in her group had first class tickets and when the guy who checks the tickets came would send the group back to first class. And after a few minutes, it did happen. My sister was so happy, so was I. 


We were laughing for some jokes we made  about each other. The we reached he station. The bridge we wanted to visit was close by so we walked there. We took some photos and we ate lunch. We took a take away In an Indian restaurant for my mom. We bought some Starbucks and boarded the bus. Then when we close by to our stop our bus didn’t stop in our stop. So we got down in the next stop, and we took a train back to that stop and we walked for 15 minutes to our hotel. While walking, I spotted a lot of worms. I was a little freaked out. And, few minutes later I realised that our tickets we bought at the cable car station was also valid for the ice flyer. So we wasted 36 CHF. 


We got back to our room and we had dinner. My dad bought dinner for us at Burger King next to our hotel. We ate our dinner and went to sleep by 10:30pm.



I woke up early because we had to eat our breakfast and our taxi will come by 7:45am. So I got up, bathed, got ready and went down for breakfast. We had our breakfast and checked out the hotel and got into the taxi. These preparations were done because we were going to Venice.


We reached the railway station. Somehow the driver of the train taxi was also an Sri Lankan. He knew a lot of things about Indian elections. We waited for an hour for the train to come. While waiting, my eyes weren’t staying in the same place. I saw a shop right at he entrance which sells pretzel. I wanted to have some so I bought 2 – one for my sister and one for me. My sister bought an chocolate pretzel and I bought a cheese pretzel.


Our train came and we had to change to another train in a place called bellizona. From there we had to change trains. So the train started and the first class coach was very busy. There was this one lady next to us who sat very weirdly. She put one of her legs on the hand rest. Crossing all that, we reached bellizona.


We had to catch another train to Venice in 5 minutes. Thankfully we catched that train. But we had no space to keep our luggage and it was not safe to keep it somewhere else because people would steal it. Anyways we had no other way so we kept them in the next coach and sat down in our seats. We went and checked it in every stop. 


We got our lunch. As Shruthi had cold she didn’t have her lunch. My dad and I had lunch. I had pasta and my dad had Thai curry. Then we all took a short nap because we will reach Venice in like 2 and a half hours. There was this small girl and a family who came for a theme park. The girl was so cute and she was talking to all the people in the train including us.


We reached Venice. The hotel we booked was in the city: but we had to go to the island tomorrow. So we went to the room and arranged our things. Then we ate our dinner. My dad bought dinner from an Indian restaurant because my mom asked for it. Then we slept by 10:00pm.



I was lucky because I was able to wake up late. I got ready and went down for the breakfast. There were a lot of things in the buffet. We ate our breakfast and took the bus 24H to Venice island. We landed there and went to the water boat. It was awesome. The whole island had no vehicles except boats. Then we got down at a place where a bridge was. We took some photos and went to a boat ride. It was not that good but we enjoyed. Then we went to the streets of Venice and we purchased some stuff. 


We ate our lunch in a restaurant opposite to an ice cream shop. We ate pizzas and spaghettis. Then we went to a location where we can feed birds. We took photos there and we touched some dogs there. But infuse couldn’t feed birds because we didn’t know where they would sell bird food. Then we got into another boat and went to a place called murano where they make glasses. We went there and when we saw the items they were very expensive. So we didn’t buy anything there. Then as everybody was tired we decided to come back to the room. So we took boat number 3 and came to the bus station. We bought some hot chocolates and boarded bus 24H again to come back to our hotel. 


We came back to our room. Mistakenly, we left the things we bought in Venice in the bus itself. So my dad went to get that and my mom locked the room key of our another room inside itself. So I went down and got the extra keys to the room. Then my mom and my sister started writing accounts. My dad called us for shopping again but I didn’t go. So my mom and my sister went.

8:00 pm

They came back and we had our dinner. As we didn’t have anything to do we went to sleep by 10:00pm.



We woke up and left to Florence to see tower of Pisa. So we got ready and ate our breakfast.


We packed our things while my dad went to pick up a car for rent for travelling because the train was very expensive. 

12:00 noon

We came downstairs because our check out time was 12:00 and we waited for our dad to come. He came after 30 minutes. While he checked out, we arranged our things into the car. That was one of the challenging things. As the car was smaller than we expected, we had difficulties in arranging. Finally somehow we managed to put it in the car. As it was he first time my dad was driving in Europe, we had difficulties but we enjoyed it. Then we went directly to the tower of Pisa. It was very crowded so we went there fast and took photos and came back. We also bought some souvenirs there. 


We ate our dinner early and went to Florence. That is where we were staying. When we went to our hotel, they said it was cancelled so we booked for another hotel and stayed there. 


We went to our room and refreshed and saw a movie. After that we slept.



I woke up and bathed to go to Rome.So we got ready and ate by 10:00am.

12:00 noon

We came downstairs and got into the car. We started as early as possible so we can reach early.


We started from our hotel and I was the one who told him the way and guided him. Even though it was difficult, we enjoyed it. We picked up lunch at Burger King near our hotel and drove.


My mom wanted to buy dresses as she lost the others in the bus. So we came to a factory outlet where the dresses were cheap. We parked the car there and started shopping. After going to a few shops, I got a perfume for me. Then as we were tired we went to the restaurant there and ate.


After a long time of shopping for us, my mom and dad didn’t buy anything but my sister bought some shoes. We finished our shopping there and got back on road.


We reached our hotel and we checked in. This was the only hotel with swimming pool. We decided to go tomorrow. So we went to have dinner.


My mom wanted to have Indian food so we went to a restaurant. We went there and we had to wait for sometime. After a while we went inside and ate. We came back to the hotel by 10:30pm and slept.



We got up and got ready to go to the colosseum in Rome. We had our breakfast and started from the room.


We reached colosseum and we took a lot of photos there. Then we decided to go inside but my sister and my mom didn’t want to go so we didn’t go.

12:30 noon

Then we decided to go to Vatican to see the structures. We visited a lot of places over there and took photos. Then we had lunch. While eating lunch, I ordered for a sprite and they brought spirit. I didn’t know that it was spirit. Then I had a sip and it tasted kind of good. But when I asked them what that was they said it was spirit. That was the first time ever that I had spirit or alcohol or even wine in my entire life. Then we saw the places and bought some ice creams and came back to the car. 


We came back to the hotel and for the rest of the day we packed because we were leaving to India tomorrow. So we packed and took rest.


My mom, my sister and I stayed in the room while my dad went to have some drinks. While coming back, my dad left his phone there and he didn’t realise. And we ate our dinner and slept:



My mom woke me up to find my dad’s phone but it was not there. So I got ready and sat down. Then my dad told that If I find his phone then I got to keep it. So I started searching for real and didn’t get it. So we used my mom’s phone for navigation and left the hotel by 8:45am.


We were near the airport and we didn’t know how to go and we went to the backside of the airport. Somehow we figured out the way back to the airport and we dropped the car at their place and we walked to the airport. We went and got a coffee. Then I wished Murugesh uncle and ram because it was their birthday. 


We boarded the plane and reached Dubai by 7:30pm. Then we immediately had to catch he flight to Chennai in an hour. So we passed immigration and sat in the place in front of the gate. Then we all went to check some gadgets for my mom, my dad and me. Then we boarded the plane.



We landed in Chennai from Dubai and we passed through immigration fast. But it took forever for the baggage to come. As soon as it came we took it and rushed to the exit. We located my grandpa and my driver. We loaded the luggage into the car and my dad stayed in Chennai because he had some work so my mom, my sister and I came back to coimbatore. On the way, in Salem we ate our breakfast.


We reached my home and I was very excited to see coco and Oreo. I played with them for a while and arranged the chocolates in the fridge and had my lunch. Then I took a bath.